The Lourcey Photography Blog

Larry Lourcey
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Tony's Kookulele

"Tony's Kookulele" The latest addition to my ONE Project. This one features the legendary Tony Corbell - perhaps the nicest guy I've ever met. Here is Tony's story

Tony's Kookulele

Larry Lourcey

Hi and welcome to my blog!I do my best
to keep things updated and give you a look at things happening behind the scenes here at Lourcey Photography. Although I've been a professional photographer for over 20 years, I'm also semi-famous for my pizza and bread making. So follow along and enjoy the adventure. And don't be afraid to leave a comment and say hello!

"Tony's Kookulele"

The latest addition to my ONE Project. This one features the legendary Tony Corbell - perhaps the nicest guy I've ever met.

Here is Tony's story:

I think I was about ten years old when our dad came home with this very odd looking musical instrument. Officially it is called The Singing Treholipee but in our home we just called it the Kookulele, as it is tuned like a ukulele.

It was made famous on the beaches of Southern California in the Beach Blanket Bingo type movies of the day. If I recall correctly, it came in four colors and ours was pink.

Now 60 years later, it is still in perfect tune and still has the original strings. All of my life from that time forward included the Kookulele in some way. I watched almost in awe as he played and sang 50's and 60's hits and my sister Teri would dance around the room with her eyes closed. I learned ukulele chords from watching him night after night for years.

After I grew up and left home I always looked forward to going for a visit so I could play or better yet, watch him play. I know that when he played that strange looking thing in the evenings in our den my dad seemed to be at his best. I like to think when I play it I too am at my best.

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Rich's Scoring Machine

Rich's Scoring Machine

"Rich's Scoring Machine" If you are one of my photography friends, this will need no explanation. If you aren't in the photography world, you've just met a really cool guy.

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Off The Record:  Cris Joel

Off The Record: Cris Joel

Off The Record For this cover, I took on the album cover of one of my all-time favorite albums:  Billy Joel’s Greatest Hits Vol 1 and 2.  When photographer Cris Duncan suggested the cover, I knew it was one that I wanted to work on! How It Happened Cris is located in Lubbock, Texas – which would hav...

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The Wonders of Technology

The Wonders of Technology

Don’t get me wrong- there are certainly days when I long for the “good old days” – when we used film and people didn’t stare at their phones all day.  Technology can certainly be a nuisance.  However, sometimes it comes in pretty darn handy! OFF TO THE ARCTIC This week I was scheduled to speak in Mi...

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