Hi there, my name is

Larry Lourcey

It has always been about storytelling for me. It doesn't matter if it was me photographing my newborn son or snapping an iPhone image of a loaf of bread I just baked – the theme remains the same. It is all about the story. I enjoy the stories of life and chose a profession that allowed me to capture them every day.

25 years
of experience
2,376,142 +
photographs taken

A few words about myself

I grew up with a mother who was a serious amateur photographer. I borrowed her camera one day and never returned it. Things just kind of took off from there.

Although I've been a professional photographer over 25 years, I'm still learning. Our industry has evolved  in so many ways over those years and I've truly enjoyed the chase of keeping up with it. I've earned several honors and designations along the way. From entering local photographic competitions to serving as a judge at international competitions - it has been a journey of education. The constantly evolving technology keeps things fresh and creates a limitless choice of avenues to explore.

When I'm not creating imagery, I'm spending time with my family or adding to my ever-growing list of hobbies. I've coached a high school basketball team for the past several years which allows me to stay somewhat connected to the world of sports . It also allowed me to coach my boys throughout high school. A few years ago, I started a garden in the backyard because my wife loves fresh tomatoes. I then started baking bread and pizza a while back - because who doesn't love carbs?

Last, but certainly not least, I serve on the Board of Directors for the Professional Photographers of America because I love the industry and want to help it grow.  

Now that I'm writing all this down, I'm starting to wonder where I find the time...


In the past, I have been asked to judge photographic competitions across the country, as well as PPA's International Photographic Competition. When I can't be on the road, I produce educational content for photographers on my YouTube channel.

With 13,500+ subscribers and over a million views, I've made friends all over the planet and helped others to see the power of photography that I enjoy every day.

Let's tell your story with a portrait!

Imagine capturing a moment in time and being able to return to it forever.  A truly timeless portrait goes beyond how someone looks- it tells a story.

Discover the Portrait Experience