The Lourcey Photography Blog

Larry Lourcey
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The Proposal Poem

"The Proposal Poem" I'm very excited to unveil the latest addition to my ONE Project - this one featuring my dear friend Ronda Gunther. Years ago, she wanted images to use on a dating app- and I like to think my photography helped her to find her husband! Here is Ronda's story....

The Proposal Poem

Larry Lourcey

Hi and welcome to my blog!I do my best
to keep things updated and give you a look at things happening behind the scenes here at Lourcey Photography. Although I've been a professional photographer for over 20 years, I'm also semi-famous for my pizza and bread making. So follow along and enjoy the adventure. And don't be afraid to leave a comment and say hello!

"The Proposal Poem"

I'm very excited to unveil the latest addition to my ONE Project - this one featuring my dear friend Ronda Gunther.  

Years ago, she wanted images to use on a dating app- and I like to think my photography helped her to find her husband!  

Here is Ronda's story....

It was later in life, and I had been “single again” for 20 years when I met Tom through a dating service, Equally Yoked. Tom had never been married and neither of us had children. We had only been dating about three months, when Tom brought a poem that he had written over to my house.

As I read the poem, it seemed to be quite serious about our relationship and future. We had never had any discussions about money, kids, marriage, etc., so I was a bit surprised about what the poem seemed to be saying. When Tom asked what I thought of the poem, in my mind I was wondering if this was a marriage proposal, but I didn’t want to make that assumption and then feel stupid, so I just said “It seems really serious.” To which Tom responded, “You might want to keep it.” Inside of me I was thinking “Thank-goodness I didn’t ask if it was a marriage proposal.”

Three days went by and then I received a call from Tom’s brother saying “You didn’t ‘get’ the poem, did you?” I asked what he meant and he responded, “Read the poem vertically”.

When I looked at the first letter of each line of the poem, it read as “Will You Marry Me, Honey Bear (Tom’s nickname for me)”.

After discussions about marriage, we married and here are, 21 years later still loving being together.

Back-tracking a bit – Larry took my photos for the dating service, our engagement photos, our wedding photos and also photos of our Dads prior to an Alaskan cruise. I credit my Heavenly Father and Larry’s photography skill and for bringing Tom and I together.

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Off The Record:  Mommy Crue

Off The Record: Mommy Crue

The Age of Glam Metal The 80s were know for a lot of things, but “heavy metal bands with big hair” would certainly be high on the list.  For this addition to the Off The Record Project, we decided to explore the work of one of the biggest hair bands of the 80s – Motley Crue. Released in 1983, the ba...

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I'm On The A-List

I'm On The A-List

Well, some kind soul nominated me for the Dallas A-List so I figured I may as well play it out. As most of you know, I’m not a huge self-promoter.  I’m going to post the link and hopefully droves of raving fans will head there and vote.  Hey- it could happen??? So get out and vote.  Tell your friend...

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Father's Clock

Father's Clock

My good friend John Stanley is pictured with his father's clock. Here is the story John shared about the clock.

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Let's tell your story with a portrait!

Imagine capturing a moment in time and being able to return to it forever.  A truly timeless portrait goes beyond how someone looks- it tells a story.

Discover the Portrait Experience